About Us

Through this website Hari News, my intention is that many brothers like me have some problems related to agriculture, how to remove them and how to get rid of diseases on crops in agriculture, what chemical fertilizers to use and how the schemes coming to common farmers from the government will benefit them. And we will get information about when to get it and what documents he will need when the government job and recruitment scheme for farmer's children will come.

Harinews.site (Hari News) provides user-friendly and informative content on Agriculture, Education, Schemes and Government News or Government Job News to its all-rounder. harinews.site is the fastest growing news website on the internet. harinews.site is building news base for mobile and web audiences online.

We provide accurate and fast news including state-level, national, international, user-specific information, agriculture news, government schemes, government jobs, business news, education news, sports, funny news, lifestyle news and astrology news etc. is committed. our story When we were making this website, it was clear in our mind that we should differentiate Hari News (harinews.site) from other news websites.

With this in mind we have done all the research on the internet. It is our responsibility to provide accurate information to the user. This is the reason why it took more time to build this website. The main reason for creating the website harinews.site is to provide more information to the user. Which will help them in their life. In addition to this, it delivers fun content to the user, and satisfies students in terms of learning.